Thursday, October 5, 2017

Upcoming PSAT: October 11th

Three things you will gain from taking the PSAT/NMSQT
You'll take the PSAT/NMSQT® at school on Wednesday, October 11th. This test is a chance to become a National Merit® Scholar, and it also offers these benefits:
  1. Connect to scholarships. When you take the PSAT/NMSQT, you have an opportunity to enter the National Merit Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships.The test also connects you to more than $160 million in scholarships from one of the largest scholarship pools in the country. Just remember to check “Yes” to Student Search Service® on the day of the test so that scholarship partners can find you.
  2. Free, personalized SAT practice. The PSAT/NMSQT is great preparation for the SAT®. Your score also unlocks a personalized SAT study plan on Khan Academy®. It’s completely free. Simply go to, create an account, and link your College Board and Khan Academy accounts to get a study plan based on your test results.
  3. AP course recommendations. Your score report will suggest AP® courses that are a great match for you. AP can give you an edge in the admission process and allows you to earn college credit while in high school, which could save you time and money in college. 

Questions? To learn more about the PSAT/NMSQT and about getting ready for college, we invite [students/parents and families] to attend our College Planning/Parent Night on November 9th.