Thursday, May 19, 2022

 I’m looking for 10-15, underrepresented, rising 10th or 11th graders for a FREE, 2-day college-career summer camp at UNF called EXPLORE on July 15-16 (Friday and Saturday). We have a quite a few for all the careers except for students who are interested in education related careers (ex. teaching in any subject, school counseling, principal leadership, education professor, etc…). The only thing parents would need to provide is transportation to and from UNF. Everything is taken care of.

Students can complete the online application and then UNF will work on getting parent permission: (


Is there any way that you can share this call to your high school counselor’s list as we’d like to meet with the students and parents to prepare for the event and details? I’m on the planning committee representing education and can answer questions from counselors, students and parents who are interested.


In any case, thank you!


Sophie Filibert, PhD

Program Director & Associate Professor

Follow SOAR on FB: School Counseling

Schedule an appointment: Book